Hans-Bredow-Institut Amélie Heldt studied French and German Law at the universities of Paris Nanterre and Potsdam. After passing the German first state examination, she took a supplementary training programme in Design Thinking at the Hasso-Plattner-Institut in Potsdam and worked in the legal department of a Universal Music.
She completed her two-year clerkship at the superior Court of Justice in Berlin and was working i.a. for the Berlin Opera Foundation, in the media and copyright area of the law firm Raue LLP and for the GIZ in Cambodia. Since May 2017, she is a junior researcher within the research program “Transformation of Public Communication” at the Hans-Bredow-Institute and a PhD candidate with Prof. Wolfgang Schulz. She is an associated researcher with the Humboldt-Institute for Internet an Society in Berlin.