Antonio Santangelo

Antonio SantangeloNexa Ceter for Internet and Society at the Politecnico of Turin (Italy)

Antonio Santangelo is the Executive Director of the Nexa Ceter for Internet and Society at the Politecnico of Turin (Italy). He teaches Semiotics at the University of Turin and Semiotics and Philosophy of Language, Textual Semiotics and New Media Languages at the University eCampus (Como, Italy).

He is the author of many articles published in Italian and international rewiews, of many book chapters and of Handbook of tv quality assessment (UclanPublishing 2013), Sociosemiotica dell’audiovisivo (Aracne 2013: Audiovisual Sociosemiotics), Le radici della televisione intermediale (Aracne 2012: The roots of inter-medial television) and Il gioco delle finte realtà (Vicolo del Pavone 2012: The game of fictional realities).

With Gian Marco De Maria, he has edited La Tv o l’uomo di immaginario (Aracne 2012: Television or the imaginary man); with Guido Ferraro, Uno sguardo più attento (Aracne 2013: A more attentive glance), I sensi del testo (Aracne 2017: The senses of the text), Narrazione e realtà (Aracne 2017: Narration and reality); with Giorgio Borrelli and Giovanni Sgrò, Il valore nel linguaggio e nell'economia (Libellula 2017: The concept of value in language and economy).